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jueves, septiembre 19

The devil sea

(Read at

In the Pacific Ocean, about 100 km south of Tokyo and around Miyake, the Japanese island, the Devil Sea is located there haunting the thoughts and lives of many people.

According to an old legend, there are dragons living there on the coast of Japan, which is why some people call it the Dragon’s Triangle. The reason behind all these legends and names is the suspicious activities that keep on happening in that area, including the disappearance of planes and ships. 

Back in 1952, an investigation team of 31 members was sent there by the Japanese government to explore the area. Unfortunately, the ship disappeared and was never seen again. There is also another story of Kublai Khan and its catastrophic attempt to invade Japan. They tried crossing the Devil Sea but ended up losing over 40,000 men. 

There are endless theories about this area and its relation with aliens, high volcanic activity, and being the gates to parallel universes.
Creepy, and yet, very interesting!
