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...o una historia, o una anécdota... Simplemente algo que me haga reir, pensar, soñar o todo a la vez, si cabe ..Si quereis mandarme alguna de estas, hacedlo a

sábado, agosto 8

Especially vs Specially

(Leído en el diccionario de Cambridge)

Especially and specially are adverbs.

Especially means ‘particularly’ or ‘above all’:
She loves flowers, especially roses.
I am especially grateful to all my family and friends who supported me.
Not: Especially I am
We use specially to talk about the specific purpose of something:
This kitchen was specially designed to make it easy for a disabled person to use.
He has his shirts made specially for him by a tailor in London.
Especially can also be used to mean ‘for a particular purpose’:
I bought these (e)specially for you.
